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Restoring Amusement Machines

My Career in electronics commenced in 1973 when I was employed by Brenco ltd
. It wasn't until 2006 when I was able to revive my interest in amusement machines, restoring a few favourites for the games room.

Brenco Amusement machines

Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune
Silver Chest
Silver Chest
Brenco Staff
Brenco Staff
Money Wheel (video)
Money Wheel (video)

Man Cave

The images on the left were amusement machines designed & manufactured by Brenco Ltd of Weston-Super-Mare.

Click here for 'Penny Machines Forum'

Below are a few of the machines I enjoyed restoring located in my games room many years later.
Sadly I no longer posses them. The details of which will appear in my autobiograhy.

Pin Ball
Pin Ball

Spy Hunter
Spy Hunter
Fire Cracker
Fire Cracker
Star Wars
Star Wars

Front Garden upgrade from box hedging to brick wall

Following the destruction of the hedging from 'Box Blight' it was replaced by the construction of a low level brick wall.
This extended to the perimeter of the property encompassing the small plot at the entrance of the private access path.

Box Hedging (Planted 2018)

Complete View
Complete View
front View
front View
View from steps
View from steps
Side View
Side View

Brick Wall (constructed 2021)

Aproach View
Approach View
Front View
Front View
View from private path
View from private path
Complete View
Complete View


Site last updated: 30-May-2024
© Copyright www.chrislivingstone.com
(webmaster) Chris Livingstone

chris livingstone, winchester, england, raffles, mo, IT, science, technology, flying, cessna, solent flight centre, autobiography, impossible dream, oasis beach motel, daytona, florida