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Newbury Amateur Radio Rally 2024

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Newsletter 2024
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Newbury Amateur Radio Rally 2022

Sunday 26th June 2022

After the previous postponements (due to COVID restrictions) we are pleased to anounce that the Newbury Radio Rally will return in 2022 when we all hope to be reinvigorated and even more excited to provide you with what has become one of the most loved and popular rallies of its kind in the UK.

Put a note in your diary and reserve the date for Sunday 26th June 2022

Newbury Radio rally Images

Newbury Amateur Radio Rally 2019

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Newsletter 2019
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Newbury Amateur Radio Rally 2018

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Newsletter 2018
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Newbury Amateur Radio Rally 2017

Newsletter 2017

Header Hamfest 2018
Flight Refueling

Site last updated: 30-May-2024
© Copyright www.chrislivingstone.com
(webmaster) Chris Livingstone

chris livingstone, winchester, england, raffles, mo, IT, science, technology, flying, cessna, solent flight centre, autobiography, impossible dream, oasis beach motel, daytona, florida